Child's abilities: how to identify and develop


The further fate of the child is determined in childhood. It depends on how well the conditions for the development of the baby's abilities will be created. Already at preschool age, parents and teachers should know how to determine the interests and inclinations of a child. This is necessary for the proper formation of personality and the identification of talents.

The content of the article:

    Stages of formation of abilities in children
    Types of abilities
    Types of intelligence
How to understand what abilities your child has
    How to develop children's abilities
    Games and exercises for the development of a child's abilities

Stages of formation of abilities in children

Psychologists have identified the stages of the formation of abilities:

    During early childhood, children unconsciously choose those activities for which they have inclinations. To find out which creative abilities should be developed in the first place in a baby, parents need to observe what the child does more often: dances, draws or sings?
    During the younger preschool age (3-4 years), parents should organize systematic classes in various creative activities in order to develop their child's practical skills.
    Senior preschool age is an important stage of development. Parents need to prepare their child for school. Recommends enrolling the child in clubs and sections. It is necessary to help the child develop in the area that is interesting to him.

During primary school age, parents should respect the child's choice of clubs and sections.

During adolescence, children already demonstrate stable interests and inclinations. The task of parents is to educate teenagers in self–discipline skills, to form a responsible attitude to their chosen occupation.

Read also: what a child should be able and know at 3 and 4 years old 
Types of abilities

In the field of additional education, conditions have been created for the development of such types of abilities as:

    intellectual abilities;
    scientific abilities;
    mathematical abilities;
    Technical abilities;
    literary abilities;
    Musical abilities;
    artistic abilities;
    athletic abilities;
    leadership skills.

Each type of ability is associated with a particular type of intelligence.
Types of intelligence

Every child is gifted. To understand what area a kid is talented in, it is important to determine the type of his intelligence. At the same time, it should be remembered that a child may have a mixed type of intelligence. In this case, the range of his interests and preferred activities will be quite wide.
The linguistic type of intelligence

The linguistic type of intelligence in a child

Children with linguistic intelligence have well-developed speech skills. They like to listen to fairy tales and stories, they start talking early. As a rule, such children acquire reading and writing skills even before entering school. They have no difficulties with preparing retellings of literature, writing expositions and essays at school.

"Linguists" like to read fiction. Often such children compose funny stories themselves, write poetry.

Having a special literary flair, children with a linguistic type of intelligence will be successful in such professions as:

    The playwright;
    marketing specialist;

The logical and mathematical type of intelligence

The logical and mathematical type of intelligence in children

Children with logical and mathematical intelligence love everything related to numbers. It is easy to recognize this type of intelligence: such children easily memorize mobile phone numbers, perform arithmetic calculations in their minds, and operate with abstract concepts.

At school, such children demonstrate excellent command of all mental operations. They easily establish cause-and-effect relationships and systematize data.

The following professions are suitable for holders of logical and mathematical intelligence::

    mathematics teacher;

The visual-spatial type of intelligence

The visual-spatial type of intelligence in children

Children with a visual-spatial type of intelligence have a developed imagination, rich imagination. They often use substitute items in games. They often make their own entourage for games from plasticine, colored paper, threads, boxes, beads, buttons and other materials that they find at home.

Such children like to collect mosaics, create three-dimensional compositions of small details. They demonstrate a high level of visual memory development. Such children are perfectly oriented in space. They also have a well-developed aesthetic taste.

Natural inclinations will help children with a visual-spatial type of intelligence to succeed in such professions as:

    The multiplier;
    the sculptor;
    fashion designer;

The bodily kinetic type of intelligence

The bodily-kinetic type of intelligence in a child

Children with this type of intelligence have a good appetite, they have a strong physique. They are attracted to various sports and choreography. They have excellent control of their own body and are able to express emotions through movements. A child with a bodily kinetic type of intelligence likes to be in public, to perform on stage.

In addition, they like to do manual labor.

To keep the craving for creativity alive, such children need to be praised more often. It is also necessary to teach them to take criticism constructively.

The skills of a body-kinetic child will help him achieve success in such professions as:

    The model;
    fitness instructor;
    the sculptor;
    TV presenter.

Musical type of intelligence

Musical type of intelligence in children

It is not difficult to detect the musical type of intelligence: after hearing the music, the kids become animated, start stomping their feet to the beat, dancing.

Already at preschool age, such children are attracted to musical instruments and singing.

Having a good melodic ear, a sense of rhythm and musical memory, they will be able to self-actualize in such professions as:

    The conductor;
    sound engineer;
    the host of the radio station.

The naturalistic type of intelligence

The naturalistic type of intelligence in a child

Such children adore the flora and fauna. They like to grow seeds, observe weather changes, and take care of pets. On walks, they carefully examine insects, observe life in an anthill, catch butterflies. They enthusiastically read encyclopedias and conduct scientific experiments at home.

Such children's favorite subjects at school are the world around them, biology, physics, chemistry, ecology. Passion for these sciences will ensure their success in such professions as:

    The forester;
    a geneticist.

The existential type of intelligence

The existential type of intelligence

Existential children differ from their peers in particular seriousness and reasonableness. They live in harmony with themselves and others, understand their emotions perfectly and are able to correctly interpret the emotions of their communication partners. They sometimes surprise parents and teachers with their wisdom.

Existential teenagers like to talk about philosophical topics, they like to read esoteric books.

Children with this type of intelligence easily develop such significant qualities as responsibility, the ability to predict the development of events, flexibility of behavior, and emotional self-control. It is these qualities that ensure their success in such professions as:

    The philosopher;

Read also: the development of emotional intelligence in children
Interpersonal type of intelligence

Interpersonal type of intelligence

Children with such intelligence are already very empathetic at preschool age. They notice the slightest changes in the mood of their peers in the process of interaction, skillfully adjust to the style of communication of the interlocutor. They are tactful, able to find common ground with different people. In conflict situations, children with an interpersonal type of intelligence skillfully circumvent sharp corners and readily compromise. Often such people become the soul of the company, their subtle humor and personal charm endear them to themselves. They have leadership abilities and often act as organizers of an event.

A special personal sensitivity will help people with an interpersonal type of intelligence achieve success in such professions as:

    The diplomat;

How do you understand what abilities your child has?

The child's abilities

In order for the child to understand his purpose, it is important to determine as early as possible what talents the baby has. They reveal themselves in the process of everyday life, you just need to observe what types of activities the child tends to, how he interacts with the outside world, how he reacts to certain adult suggestions. 

Parents should show the child the diversity of the world, create conditions for his participation in various activities.

If a child shows a preference for a certain type of activity, it is necessary to support his aspirations, expand this direction of creative activity.

It is possible to determine the area of a child's giftedness if:

    In the process of watching the baby play, try to understand exactly what he is doing. Playing in the sandbox, the kid can search for treasures, build castles or observe the life of an anthill. By paying attention to the nuances of the baby's activity, parents will be able to understand his true inclinations.
    Contact a child psychologist. Such a specialist will diagnose the interests of the child and determine the type of intelligence of the baby.
    Ask the teachers in the kindergarten group that the kid attends about what the child prefers to do during the day.

How to develop children's abilities

 How to develop a child's abilities

To develop a child's abilities, you need to:

    Encourage the child's hobbies. Having identified the creative predisposition of the child, you do not need to try to redo it, switch his attention to another type of activity. Instead, it is better to enroll the baby in the appropriate circle or studio.
    It is necessary to create conditions for the child to be creative in the field that is interesting to him. To keep the interest in classes alive, you do not need to force your child to practice music or draw. Let him do it when he wants to.
    It is important for parents to understand the changing range of interests of the child. It is not worth criticizing and condemning him for no longer wanting to attend the sports section that he chose himself. However, it is worth finding out the reason why the child lost interest in classes.
    It should be remembered that not only a perfectly executed application or a brilliant performance at competitions deserves praise. It is necessary to encourage the child's desire to win, his perseverance, accuracy, creativity.
    You cannot compare a child with other children. The child expects support from parents, not offensive comparisons and reproaches.

Games and exercises for the development of a child's abilities

Games and exercises for the development of a child's abilities

Play is the leading activity of a child during preschool childhood. Psychologists recommend developing the child's abilities in the game. Games such as have great potential for developing abilities:

    puzzles, crosswords, mazes;
    drawing by points;
    writing a story based on a series of plot pictures;
    enumeration of the distinctive features of a particular object;
    various word games;
    repetition of a rhythmic pattern suggested by an adult;
    attention development games;
    games for the development of visual and auditory memory;
    games that increase the reaction speed;
    games in which you need to finish the missing details, as well as create a drawing by adding several lines to the existing shapes;
    outdoor games according to the set rules;
    games for the development of emotional intelligence.

Read also: educational games for children 2 years old with their parents at home

To determine what talents a baby has, parents should give him a lot of time and attention. Joint games with the child, participation in his life, communication with him – all these are effective ways to timely detect the interests and inclinations of the child.

If we talk about the development of a child's abilities, then parents need to proceed from the needs of the child. Parents' attempts to realize their own ambitions through instilling in the child a love for a particular type of activity will not be successful. It is important to understand. That every person is an individual. The child has the right to his own interests. Parents should not try to re-educate him. And the task is to create conditions for the creative self-expression of the child.

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