In recent decades, business and educational organizations have begun to interact much more frequently. Students from Italian design institutes intern at fashion houses Gucci and Ferragamo, students from Swiss business schools gain experience at the UN, and students from the world's leading technical universities perform tasks for Google. Not only large corporations and world-famous brands, but also small companies are showing interest in cooperation with educational organizations.
On December 5, 2023, the results of the new, eighth PISA study, the program for international student assessment, which has been conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since 2000, were published. PISA results are published every three years and are considered the main indicator of the performance of education systems around the world. The new analytical report was especially long-awaited: due to Covid, testing of schoolchildren was carried out a year later than planned and, since this study was the first since the pandemic, analysts used the data to objectively assess the impact of quarantine on student performance.
We live in an age of rapid space exploration: scientists and researchers are creating super-powerful telescopes, discovering distant galaxies, photographing black holes and seriously discussing the colonization of Mars and the Moon. However, for two years now there have been no astronomy lessons on the schedule of Russian schoolchildren.
Despite the widespread opinion about the dangers of distance education, the online format has not become less popular after the pandemic. Moreover, the number of American families voluntarily switching to remote learning grew by 47% in 2021–2022 alone. This paradox has attracted the attention of researchers.
Kindergarten is the first place in a child’s social development, where he ends up growing out of a cozy, but already too cramped home environment for him. Thinking about what an ideal kindergarten for a child should be like, a parent is faced with a wide field of choice: private, municipal, close to home, with super preparation for school, with a teacher about whom parents make legends in chats... We’ll look into this material , what to look for when choosing a kindergarten.
High school is the point of greatest stress for many students. Stress seeps into virtually every area of students' lives. On the one hand, it is necessary to mobilize all forces and get good grades in the certificate in 13-14 subjects (in some schools - 18), on the other hand, to actively prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, mathematics and specialized subjects. Private life also requires attention, and amid the school load, you have to make time for sports, creativity or hobbies. Of course, such a schedule will not benefit anyone, and at the end of the 11th grade, schoolchildren find themselves in a situation of permanent fatigue and the resulting irritability and demotivation.
Vladimir Mayakovsky, Albert Einstein, Whoopi Goldberg and Tom Cruise - what unites these famous people? All of them experienced great difficulties with reading and writing. In modern terms, they suffered from dyslexia and dysgraphia. Scientists around the world have been studying the phenomenon of dyslexia for several years. Neuroscientists, psychologists, and speech therapists have proven that persistent difficulties with reading and writing, which occur in 15% of people, are not a sign of low motivation or pedagogical neglect, but a feature of brain function. Olga Velichenkova, Associate Professor at the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSPU), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, talks about who teaches children with dyslexia and how.
For several years now we have been observing how a new economic geography of the world is taking shape. A clear trend that stands out in this reshaping is a marked shift towards Asia.