​​How can I help my child remember information?


​​How can I help my child remember information?

Repetition, comprehension, visualization and composing are the main methods that will help your child to remember the completed learning material.

The first and most important step will be repetition. In order to remember the information for a long time, it is necessary to repeat it 5 times: immediately after receipt, after 20 minutes, after a day, after 14 days and after 2 months. You can use flashcards on which you will record what has been studied and then refresh the information on the weekend. At the end of each month, review the cards, consolidating your knowledge in 30 days. Information presented in small portions is easier to remember.

Understanding also plays a key role. Rote memorization without understanding does not bring any benefit. In the process of studying educational material with your child, try to explain to him everything that is not clear. It is worth teaching your child to understand the material, break it down into its component parts and find patterns in the context of a particular subject.

Visualization is another important tool that will help your child remember information. For younger schoolchildren and preschool children, visualization is the most effective teaching method. It is necessary to create clear and visual mental maps with which you can highlight the main thing and see the connections between the elements. Take a piece of paper and write in the middle the topic (keyword) from which the branches will go. Each line leads to a concept that is related to the main theme. Draw the "twigs" until you get to the point.

Finally, you can compose a musical background or a poetic text that will help your child remember complex information. These classes perfectly develop imagination and memory and can greatly facilitate the reproduction of complex information.

Help your child to memorize information using the methods described above – repetition, understanding, visualization and composition and ensure his success in school and future life! #memory

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