How to teach a child to speak: methods, games and exercises


The formation of a child's speech occurs long before he begins to talk on his own. From an early age, the infant perceives the speech of adults, imitates it, and subsequently relies on the acquired experience. Speech development is not a process that can be left to chance – and in this article you will find out why.

The content of the article:

    Stages of speech development
    10 ways to teach a child to talk at home
    Exercises and games for speech development
    General tips
    When you need the help of specialists

Stages of speech development

The formation of speech occurs gradually, starting from birth. Knowing the approximate stages of speech development at each age, it is much easier to determine the presence of signs of lag.

    From 0 to 6 months. The baby actively listens to the speech of adults, trying to reproduce sounds that are perceived by him as a melody so far. He can already distinguish the voices of the people who are talking to him. At first, the baby masters vowel sounds, and closer to the age of one and a half months, the consonant sounds "g", "k", "x" appear, thanks to which the child begins to "hum".
    From 6 to 12 months. At this age, the child often imitates the sounds of adult speech. Pronounces individual syllables, for example, "ma-ma", "babbles". By the end of the first year of life, the first words and sentences appear. The vocabulary ranges from 2-3 to 20 words, and most of them are nouns.
    1 year. At one year old, speech becomes active and becomes a means of interaction with adults. Along with the ability to move independently, the child accumulates knowledge about the world around him and replenishes his vocabulary, which at this age is 300-400 words. Pronunciation adapts to itself, skipping or replacing complex combinations of sounds.
    2 years. By the age of two, phrasal speech is formed. At this time, the child is able to formulate a sentence of 2-3 words. Grammatical categories such as number, gender, and case are gradually being mastered. The vocabulary reaches up to 700 units.
    3 years. Children of this age actively communicate with adults and peers, but still with the help of simple sentences. A three-year-old child learns the basic laws of language and comes up with his own words based on them. This process is called "word-making" and signals the normal development of the child's speech. Vocabulary – up to 1000 words.
    4 years old. In the fifth year of life, the child "hones" the acquired skills, replenishes the active and passive vocabulary, which is approximately 2000 words. As the child grows up, all the sounds of his native language begin to be pronounced clearly and clearly.
    By the age of 5, it is considered the norm if the child has mastered all sides of the language and is fluent in speech. If not, this is a reason to immediately contact a specialist.

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